Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NdrivetrainVexIQ mimic drivetrain module
 CDrivetrainConfig Drivetrain: motors and wheels that move a robot
 NtimerTimer module
 NvexiqVexIQ controller Python API for Robot Mesh
 CAnalogSensorAnalog Sensor
 CColorSensorConfig Color Sensor: detects color hue or a grayscale value
 CDistanceSensorConfig Ultrasonic distance sensor
 CGyroConfig Gyroscope sensor
 CJoystickConfig Joystick controller
 CMotorConfig Motor with power setting and distance encoder
 CNamedColorEnumeration of named colors (for TouchLed and ColorSensor)
 COutputDigital output
 CSerialConfig Serial port to host
 CTouchLedConfig Touch Led: detects touch and shines in various colors
 CVisionSensorVision Sensor device